Outreach Materials

FSA Partners have created various materials, many for specific audiences, to educate people on the natural history and conservation of shorebirds and seabirds in Florida. (See Rooftop Resources for roof-specific materials).
- Be a Beach Hero
- Beach Drivers: Please Watch Out for Wildlife
- Beach-nesting Birds (for law enforcement)
- Beach-nesting Birds (for sea turtle monitors)
- Best Management Practices for Operating Vehicles on the Beach
- Dogs on the Beach
- How to Be a Shorebird-Friendly Photographer
- Share the Beach with Beach-nesting Birds
- What to do if you hook a pelican (or other waterbirds)
- Living with Wildlife: Beach-nesting Shorebirds
- Share the Shore: A Place for People and Birds
- Comparte la Costa: Un lugar para las Personas y las Aves
- Share the Shore: Be a Shorebird-friendly Pet Owner
- Comparte la costa: sé un dueño de mascotas amigable con las aves playeras
- Share the Shore: Give Birds Space So They Feel Safe
- Comparte la costa: dales espacio a las aves para que se sientan seguras
Photo Credit: Jack Rogers