
The links below offer various types of information and resources relevant to shorebirds and seabirds in Florida.
If you would like to suggest a relevant link or find that one of our links is not working properly, please contact us.
Florida Shorebird Database (FSD) This is the statewide shorebird and seabird monitoring database (maintained by Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission): Date ranges from 2011-present (breeding data only; contact us for access to wintering data).
American Oystercatcher Working Group The AMOY working group is coordinating a large-scale banding and re-sighting effort among several states along the eastern seaboard, learn how you can contribute if you see a banded oystercatcher.
Asia-Pacific Shorebird Network The Asia Pacific Shorebird Network (APSN) has been formed as a result of a need to provide an avenue of communication between shorebird specialists, wetlands managers and conservationists throughout the Asia Pacific Region.
Australasian Wader Studies Group (AWSG)The Australasian Wader Studies Group (AWSG) was formed in 1981 as a special interest group of Birds Australia to coordinate and focus studies on waders, or shorebirds, in Australia and throughout their migration routes in the Asia Pacific.
Avian Knowledge Network (AKN) The Avian Knowledge Network (AKN) is an international organization of government and non-government institutions focused on understanding the patterns and dynamics of bird populations across the Western Hemisphere.
Banded Birds Online database collecting resight observations of banded shorebirds, particularly Red Knots, Ruddy Turnstones, Sanderlings, Semipalmated Sandpipers, and American Oystercatchers (see other websites for reporting Banded Birds).
BirdLife International- Important Bird Areas The selection of Important Bird Areas (IBAs) has been a particularly effective way of identifying conservation priorities. IBAs are key sites for conservation – small enough to be conserved in their entirety and often already part of a protected-area network.
Canadian Shorebird Conservation Plan The vision of the CSCP is that healthy populations of shorebirds are distributed across their range and diversity of habitats in Canada and throughout their global range.
Canadian Wildlife Service- Pan American Shorebird Program The Pan American Shorebird Program (PASP) was created in the mid-1980s to develop a standardized bird banding system.
Convention on Migratory Species The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (also known as CMS or Bonn Convention) aims to conserve terrestrial, marine and avian migratory species throughout their range. It is an intergovernmental treaty, concluded under the aegis of the United Nations Environment Programme, concerned with the conservation of wildlife and habitats on a global scale.
eBird Submit your observations of shorebirds and seabirds, or make maps with data compiled throughout the United States.
International Wader Study Group Association of amateurs and professionals from all parts of the world interested in Charadrii (waders or shorebirds).
Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences- International Shorebird Surveys Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences organized the International Shorebird Surveys (ISS) to gather information on shorebirds and the wetlands they use.
Pacific Seabird Group The Pacific Seabird Group (PSG) is a society of professional seabird researchers and managers dedicated to the study and conservation of Pacific seabirds- while this site is specific to Western birds, many of the ideas are still applicable to Florida.
The Shorebird Conservation ToolkitSpecific to Australia, this site is a great resource for generating ideas on many aspects of shorebird conservation.
Shorebird Research Group of the Americas The Shorebird Research Group of the Americas (SRGA) was recently formed to help stimulate research on declining shorebird populations.
USFWS- Piping Plover Winter Ecology Proceedings of the Symposium on the Wintering Ecology and Conservation of Piping Plovers- this website is loaded with information about wintering Piping Plovers.
USFWS- Shorebird Sister Schools The mission of this initiative is to inspire shorebird and habitat conservation by connecting people along flyways.
U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan Partners from state and federal agencies and non-governmental organizations from across the country pooled their resources and expertise to develop a conservation strategy for migratory shorebirds and the habitats upon which they depend. The plan provides a scientific framework to determine species, sites, and habitats that most urgently need conservation action.
Waterbird Society The Waterbird Society is an international scientific, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the study and conservation of waterbirds.
Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network WHSRN’s mission is to conserve shorebirds and their habitats through a network of key sites across the Americas.
Wetlands International Wetlands International is the only global NGO dedicated to the conservation and wise use of wetlands. We work globally, regionally and nationally to achieve the conservation and wise use of wetlands, to benefit biodiversity and human well-being
Photo Credit: Jack Rogers