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Treasure Coast Partnership


Formed in 2012, the goal of the Treasure Coast Shorebird Partnership is to conserve shorebird and seabird populations from Martin to Indian River counties through collaborative efforts between government agencies, non-government organizations, and individuals. 

Get Involved

Our needs are seasonal based but the peak of activity occurs during the breeding season.  Here are a few ways to get involved: 

Local Contact

To learn more about the partnership and to get involved, email Niki Desjardin, Hailey Dedmon, Ricardo Zambrano, or Alex Kropp.

Focal Species

Common Name Scientific Name
American Oystercatcher Haematopus palliatus
Black Skimmer Rynchops niger
Least Tern Sternula antillarum
Wilson's Plover Charadrius wilsonia

Fun Facts about the Treasure Coast

  • We have ~65 miles of coastline with an average of 3 ground nesting sites and 25 roof nesting sites to survey. There are also colonies and solitary sites that pop up on spoil islands and storm water treatment areas. All of this is monitored by a core group of about 20 active participants!
  • In 2014, the FWC designated Bird Island in Martin County as a Critical Wildlife Area. This designation protects nesting and roosting shorebirds and wading birds year round from human disturbance by restricting access within a 30-150 foot buffer zone around the island.


Photo Credit: Britt Brown