Posting Sites

Posting is a management tool widely employed by FSA partners to help protect shorebird and seabird nests, chicks, and their habitat. For most beaches in Florida, posting is critical to the success of nesting shorebirds and seabirds. Nests, eggs, and young chicks are well-camouflaged and can easily get trampled and destroyed where pedestrian or vehicle traffic is present.
Additionally, shorebirds and seabirds are very sensitive to disturbance. When people, pets, or vehicles approach too closely to a nest or colony, adults will depart and leave the eggs or chicks temporarily exposed to the elements or nearby predators. On a popular beach, this may happen repeatedly, placing the eggs and young in grave danger.
FSA partners post a large majority of the nests and colonies on Florida's beaches. Unfortunately, posting does not always keep everyone or everything out, and some circumstances (e.g. busy holiday weekends) require a combination of posting and site supervision from local managers or Bird Stewards.
In most cases, signs and symbolic fencing are posted when nests with eggs are found on the beach. However, on public lands or private beaches where permission is given, FSA partners will pre-post sites that are traditionally used by shorebirds and seabirds. Posting an area in advance of the breeding season gives the birds room to court and find nest sites.
Posting on private property must be coordinated through the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC). On public lands, local land managers typically oversee posting efforts. If you find an unposted nest or colony, and are unsure who manages the property, please contact your respective FWC Biologist as soon as possible.
Learn more about posting or contact your local FWC Shorebird Biologist to help post an area close to you: